Spain, Germany, Switzerland

Spain, Germany, Switzerland

Spain, Germany, Switzerland

Spain, Germany, Switzerland
Spain, Germany, Switzerland

Spain, Germany, Switzerland

Spain, Germany, Switzerland
Spain, Germany, Switzerland
Spain, Germany, Switzerland

Spain, Germany, Switzerland

Spain, Germany, Switzerland

Spain, Germany, Switzerland

Spain, Germany, Switzerland
Dust emission reduction
Dust emission reduction at Grass and Alfalfa dryers becomes more important every year.
Dutch Dryers gained a lot of experience with installation of dust emission reduction cyclones at several dryers in Europe, the best results are obtained by the combination of a high efficiency main cyclone in combination with very high efficiency multicyclones.
The combination of these cyclones makes it possible to reduce the dust emission of Alfalfa and Grass dryers to approximately 50-75 mgr/NM3 wet to meet the new emission limits given by local authorities.
Above mentioned technigues are also possible in combination with biomass furnaces as well as with energy consumption reduction measures like drying air recirculation.